Hear about the 5 most 🔥 important ‼️ emoji 🫠 from Mike & Jay. Every week we dive 🤿 into a new 🆕 topic like anything from the 5 best breakfast foods 🥞 to the 5 worst movies. 🎬
Mike’s 5 most important emoji…
🤣 face rolling on the floor laughing
😡 red angry face
💩 smiling pile of poo
👍🏼 thumbs up
☝🏼 up pointing index finger
Jay’s 5 most important emoji…
🤯 exploding head
🔥 fire
😍 smiling face with heart-eyes
👍🏾 thumbs up
🙃 upside down face
Ged’s 5 most important emoji…
🖖 Vulcan salute - hand with fingers split between middle and ring fingers
😂 face with tears of joy
🫠 melting face
🫠 melting face
🫶 heart hands
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