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Since time immemorial, the land of the Navajo Nation has harbored secrets. Stories of strange visitors and shapeshifting witches passed down through generations, drift through the sagebrush, around towering sandstone, and beneath an endless sky. And some nights, canyons whisper a dark magic. Evil in a single word- Yenaldooshi. This is a land of haunting beauty and a cradle to the supernatural.
Join us, on this episode of Belief Hole, as we explore true encounters with the unknown, as told by the Navajo Ranger who dedicated his life to uncovering the truth behind them. Stanley Milford Jr. The Paranormal Ranger.
⏰ Timestamps
00:00 | Paranormal Ranger and The Special Projects Unit and Its Mission
04:39 | Stanley's Bedroom Encounter
12:03 | Analyzing the Encounter: Sleep Paralysis or Real Abduction?
18:15 | Ghosts on the Navajo Reservation
24:06 | Investigating the Window Rock Haunting
28:04 | Paranormal Investigation and the Falling Coins Mystery
34:25 | Multi-Dimensional Theories
43:25 | Return to the Old Man and the UFO
44:07 | Introduction to Haas Lors
44:59 | The Mysterious Satan Butte
46:42 | Haas's UFO Encounter
54:24 | Skinwalker Stories
1:06:57 | The Curse and the Medicine Man
1:16:12 | Concluding Thoughts and Reflections
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