Suppressed by the CIA, the notable works of Chan Thomas are often dismissed as "conspiracy theories" and "pseudoscience," but they are finally starting to gain the attention of modern researchers. Could the Earth have some kind of reset cycle that, through planetary forces, regularly creates cataclysms that keep humanity in check? Could this reset cycle be occurring now, and are elite groups trying to keep this knowledge secret?
Also, for our Plus+ members, we consider the trope of building a home on a graveyard and explore how the story behind the 1980s film Poltergeist may have a very real background.
New Dawn 208The Adam And Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms UncensoredThe Adam And Eve Story: The History Of Cataclysms BookThe Forbidden Book ClubThe World's Most Dangerous BooksChan Thomas RedactedBoneyard AlaskaThe Age of DisclosureUFO whistleblower Jake Barber would '100% testify' under oath to CongressAn Interpretation of Göbekli Tepe Pillar 43Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) HypothesisDzhanibekov effectPlus+ ExtensionThe extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE.
Reptoid Madness!: Strange Encounters with the Lizard MenSleep Paralysis, Aliens & the Devil: What’s Going On?Sleep Paralysis Looks Different in Different PlacesWhen the Creatures of the Night Surface: Sleep Paralysis and Dreams That Might Be Much More…Paralysis of the Paranormal KindThe Waking Nightmare: Can Dreams Extend Into Our Waking Reality?Men in Black…CloaksA Supernatural Snake in the Dead of NightWhen “Something” Comes Calling in the NightThe Shadow People – Aliens? Ghosts? Or Entities From Another Dimension?The Woman in the TreeBrisbane GhostThe Chilling True Story of the Newport Subdivision PoltergeistsUnsolved MysteriesStreet View
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