Name : Azzahra Nur Azizah
NIM : 6411421008
Class : 1A
Hello Everyone! In this week 12 Journal I will talk to my partner, Novi Rahmawati.
✓ Title : The Importance Of Exercise
✓ Conversation Dialogue :
- Azzahra : Assalamualaikum. Hello! Good morning, Novi.
- Novi : Waalaikumsalam. Hi Zahra! Good morning too.
- Azzahra : What are you doing this morning?
- Novi : I'm taking a break because I just finished exercising.
- Azzahra : Wow, it turns out we are doing the same thing. By the way, what sport do you do, Novi?
- Novi : Really? Wow, I didn't expect it! I was jogging about 3 kilometers. Are you also doing the same thing again?
- Azzahra : Hahaha, that's right. I was also jogging.
- Novi : It's really fun, isn't it if we are productive in the morning by exercising.
- Azzahra : Of course, Novi. I always get used to exercise in the morning, such as gymnastics or jogging depending on the weather conditions.
- Novi : That’s very true, Zahra. Some time ago in my area it rained every morning. It made me exercise with push ups, sit ups, and squat jumps at home. My principle is that whatever the weather conditions, we still have to exercise, because exercise is very important to maintain to healthy body, such as preventing heart disease and stroke, ward off excess weight or obesity, reduce the risk of cancer, regulate mood, increase stamina and body strength, improve the blood circulation system, nervous system, and much more.
- Azzahra : I totally agree with you, Novi. There are so many benefits that we get from exercise, so when we skip exercise it feels like the body becomes easily tired, unfit, and not energetic.
- Novi : Yes, Zahra. Therefore, we must maintain the consistency of the exercise that we do everyday and don't forget to eat healthy food because regular exercise alone is not enough if it is not balanced with healthy food.
- Azzahra : That's right. Oke Novi. Stay safe and stay healthy! Ummm.. sorry, Novi. I'll end this call because I have to have breakfast and take a shower.
- Novi : Oke Zahra, I will also do like you. Bye Zahra. Assalamualaikum
- Azzahra : Waalaikumussalam, Novi. Bye!
✓ My Experience With My Partner
• My experience after speaking English with my partner was very happy and very interesting. I got some new vocabulary which I think is important to highlight from what my partner is talking about. I feel very challenged to be able to understand every word spoken by my partner and I also have to think about how to set the right tone of conversation, regulate word clarity, and pay attention to pronunciation fluency so that my partner can understand. So is my partner. We can understand each other the meaning of each pronunciation. From these conversations, we can also learn together such as being able to evaluate and correct each other if there are words or pronunciations that are not right.
✓ My Experience After Practicing The Vocabulary
• My experience after practicing the new vocabulary that I got from conversations with my partner and then I practice it in everyday life, of course I feel very happy, because the vocabulary I get from conversations with my partner can add and enrich the list of new vocabulary. I feel there are changes and developments for the better. The vocabulary I got was quite easy to understand and had a very familiar translation, so I was very excited to practice new vocabulary in everyday life. Very interesting isn't it. From this vocabulary it is also easier for me to compose effective sentences, then I try to practice the sentences that I have made based on the new vocabulary in everyday life. I am very happy because my knowledge is increasing.
Thank you✨