In the haunting expanse of Idaho's wilderness, a young production assistant, while working on a documentary, mysteriously breaks away from his film crew—and vanishes without a trace. The crew claims he simply ran off, but his disappearance remains shrouded in uncertainty and unanswered questions.
Reference for the episode:
How Terrence Woods Vanished While Filming A Discovery ‘Gold Rush’ Show – Deadline
The Mysterious Disappearance of Terrence Woods Jr. (
The shockingly weird disappearance of Terrence Woods —
Search for missing man in Idaho County stops after no leads found in search effort - East Idaho News
What You Don't Know About Terrence Woods, Jr.'s Disappearance (
Disappearance of 'Gold Rush' producer Terrence Woods gets renewed attention;
family still searching for answers | Fox News
Missing Pieces | Pod on Spotify
Crime Redefined | Pod on Spotify
findterrencewoods (@findterrencewds) / Twitter
Fundraiser by Terrence Woods Sr : Find My Missing Son: Terrence Woods (