Today we are discussing the Wheel of Time again, this time focusing on Rand's Journey through the entire series! In this episode, we focused on Rand's initiation and the Steps we saw him take in The Shadow Rising, FIres of Heaven, and Lord of Chaos. If you haven't, go and listen to our episode on Rand's Departure that we found in the first three books of the series linked here! ('sJourney/episodes/S2E10-Rands-Departure-Spoilers-WoT-1-3-er9c88). Each week we pose a question for the audience, contact us by email ([email protected]), on FaceBook (@aherosjourneypod), on Twitter (@A_Heros_Journey) to answer! We'd love to hear from you. Follow us for the latest news and updates. We hope you enjoy the show and come back next week! If you have time please rate and review wherever you are listening!