Decided to some homework on what it means to heal the inner child! Wanted to share all the insight with you sisters. Maybe for more clarity (I like this kind of stuff anyway).
Inner child is a lens we see the world from as adults.
When we are born to about the age of 7 to 8 we filter everything through “an altered state of consciousness”- just means that in that timeframe in our life we see everything from an “egocentric view point”, or for lack of better words, when we are young we aren’t able to see a situation from another person's point of view.
So if a parent comes home angry from work and we are so excited to show them our art project and the parent gives us the cold shoulder- we will store a memory of unworthiness, etc. A story we carry forever.
Think of these as emotional memories (wounds) that stay stored in the subconscious and linger around us as adults until we are able to “heal” that part of us OR they become a way of how we act/react to everything in our adult life.
This is when it becomes important to raise our own consciousness (level of thinking), get out of “auto-pilot”, & be willing to “heal” WITH GRACE.