ATOTS: Harry Potter Edition is a weekly podcast with brother and sister team Nate — a Harry Potter nerd — and Jenn who is totally new to the Harry Potter series. Jenn, being totally unspoiled, is not allowed to read ahead — so she only knows what we've read up to that point.
Each week Nate and Jenn review the series chapter by chapter, starting with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, making our way towards the final book, Deathly Hallows.
This week we cover Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone chapters 1 - 3, including:
- Welcome to the podcast!
- Jenn wants to adopt Harry
- Jenn calls 911 because of a festival or something
- Nate doesn't know about Seinfeld cloaks
- The Dursleys are despicable
- Talking to snakes, amigo!
- Jenn wants to know what a muggle is (doesn't find out)
- Is "outcasted" a word? (No, it's not)
- Who's knocking on the door? Jenn has predictions.