If I were you I would listen to this at like 2x playback speed because I speak kind of slowly and somberly. And it is long. But what can I say? It’s because I have a lot of feelings about this book that I don’t even think I really articulated well, and I don’t think I ever will because it’s like that important to me? Also I know I said the “rapid-fire” whatever was cut down from ten minutes.. and then I proceeded to talk for ten minutes. Just know I really tried. Okay, here’s the table of contents:
•“Rapid fire” summary- 0:56
•Complaining about the audiobook even though I listened to it for like 10 hours- 11:43
•Quotes and analysis- 13:45
•Very quick thoughts on EMMA. (2020)- 28:12
•Clueless- 30:38
•Secret messages only for Lydia and Riane- 42:09
•what’s ur name bbg? liv😏
•mmm and what’s ur star sign? virgo😏
•omg ahah and what’s ur favorite book? emma😏
•girl what do you do? im student at duke university😏
•that’s so sexy of you. what’s ur major? evolutionary anthropology😏
•oh okay so who are all these randos on the pod? my friends. send in a voice memo if you’d like to be on too ⬇️