LSD, Mushrooms, Steroids and Alcohol have a big impact on your blood sugar levels and/or your insulin sensitivity. I'm talkin about some experinces with LSD, Mushroom, Steroids and Alcohol while having Diabetes Type 1 (please note those experiences are from someone else and not mine. But I will talk about those experiences as if they were mine.).
In short, whenever you take LSD & Mushrooms, have a Tripsitter and lots of sugary drinks with your. If you go out drinking heavy stuff like vodka, whiskey, tequilla, have sugar or sugary drinks with you - and consume them around 2h after you started drinking. Steroids have the benefit that your head is clear and you can think rationally - which you need to adjust your basal insulin level to counter the lower/higher insulin sensitivity and higher liver activity (glucose production).
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