In this episode we are delighted to be joined by Dr Alexandra Paulin-Booth, to discuss her book Time and Radical Politics in France, published by Manchester
University Press in 2023. Alex’s work treats the conception of time as both a window and a key into the left and right in France, during the turbulent period between the Dreyfuss Affair and the First World
You can see Alex’s profile and a list of her publications here.
The first ABC Edition Pamphlet, Danny's translation of Víctor García: ‘José Xena Torrent: A Contribution to a Necessary Biography,’ is now available to buy for cost price of £2 + postage.
For UK listeners, the easiest way to place a single order is to send £3.35 via PayPal to [email protected], and put your
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The podcast music is Stealing Orchestra & Rafael Dionísio, 'Gente da minha terra (que me mete um nojo do caralho).' Reproduced from the Free Music Archive under a
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License, available here:
The podcast logo is an adapted version of the Left Book Club logo (1936-48), reproduced, edited and shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International licence. Original available here:
The image in this episode is the cover of an issue of La voix du peuple in 1905, which is used on the front cover of Alex’s book.