Romeo and Juliet, performed by the Academy for Classical Acting at Shakespeare Theatre Company and George Washington University in 2020. Created during the Covid-19 pandemic, this radio production was recorded with none of the actors in the same room - most were in separate states!
Directed by Holly Twyford, Voice and Text Coaching by Lisa Beley, Sound Design and Engineering by Gordon Nimmo-Smith.
We’re grateful to our supporters, without whom the ACA wouldn’t exist, and whose generous support helped to produce these plays. Lead sponsorship support for the Academy for Classical acting provided by Dr. Julie M. Feinsilver
The ACA Repertory Season generously sponsored by Arthur and Shirley Fergenson
Additional Support for Romeo and Juliet provided by Howard M. Brown, Emma and George Christopher, and Patricia Gray.
Additional Support for Hamlet provided by Ms. Catherine B. Elwell, Tim and Susan Gibson, and Sheldon Pratt.
Additional Support for Man and Superman provided by Jeffrey P. Cunard and Mariko Ikehara, Marcel C. LaFollette and Jeffrey K. Stine, and an Anonymous friend of the ACA.
For more information about our Radio Reps, visit