I often get asked the question on how to go about being diagnosed for ADHD, the benefits of getting diagnosed, or if it’s even worth it getting diagnosed (if they don't want to try ADHD meds).
Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. I am not licensed or certified, but I'm just sharing my personal experience as someone diagnosed with ADHD.
In this episode, I’ll answer these questions, share some of my unofficial tips and resources on self-assessments and will also cover the following:
(02:48) Why should one get an ADHD diagnosis
(05:57) Self-diagnosis: Good or bad??
(11:52) How I learned about ADHD even before getting diagnosed
(13:36) Self-assessment tool recommendation: Digital Printable Self-Reporting Booklet by ADHDOERS
(14:56) Self-assessment tool recommendation: ADHD Self-Assessment Workbook by The Mini ADHD Coach
(15:53) What it looks like to do your research on health care providers
(18:06) The things you need to look for in finding a good provider (red and green flags)
(22:11) Who you should consult to get ADHD meds prescriptions
(22:42) My personal recommendation on seeking help from a health care provider
(24:46) My story on the first psychiatrist that I went to
(31:11) A few reminders on taking ADHD meds
(33:22) Why you should bring a list of ADHD symptoms that you believe you experience on your appointment
Purchase the Digital Printable Self-Reporting Booklet - " Am I an ADHDer? " and get 10% off upon checkout with code ADHDOWNEDConnect with Jessi on Instagram @adhdfemaleentrepreneursJoin the ADHD Female Entrepreneurs Community Facebook GroupCheck out the ADHD Female Entrepreneurs MembershipVisit the ADHD Female Entrepreneurs website