There are a few different kinds of back pain that are very common.
Mechanical- our #1 most common type of backpain we see. Muscular and soft tissue irritation. This happens to everyone at some point. This can occur from sitting too long or overuse of a muscle. Heat and rest can help, so can stretching. Chiropractic care can help improve your symptoms faster. This type of back pain brings a lot of tightness and soreness.
Sprain/Strain - You strain muscles and you strain ligaments. This is an acute injury which means it happens quickly and you most likely can pinpoint the cause such as lifting something heavy. Usually back pain associated with this will feel ok when bending forward but it hurts when you go to stand up. Ice is a huge help with this type of injury to prevent inflammation. You typically feel better 1-2 weeks. No vigorous movements while healing.
Pinched Nerve - Nerves control sensory and motor functions so if you pinch them you will see weakness and/or pain traveling along a pathway (numbness/tingling). This can also be a disc injury. Sit on edge of bed and try to straighten leg impacted. If you cannot straighten it out, there is probably an issues with disc. Limping can also be another sign of this. Find a comfortable position and stay in it for 20 min or so. Take pressure off that area until you can get into the chiropractor. This pain can last a while if not treated properly. Ice can help. Swimming pool can help too.
Adjust Your Life is a podcast put on by Integrative Physical Medicine of Dayton. This podcast is for informational purposes only. For more info about the practice go here.