With 323 ships set to be available by the end of 2021, how do you decide which to go on?! Cruise lines offer a wide variety to cater to their guests; including striking itineraries, state-of-the-art amenities, Broadway shows, and world-class dining.
In this episode, we deep dive into each of the more popular lines to understand their clientele demographic, as well as the types of itineraries their ships can offer.
Which lines cater to children? Which lines provide the best experience for the best price? Who has the most exotic vacation destinations? Come listen and find out as we help you to decide which line to cruise!
Whether you are an avid cruiser, or a current or former crew member, this podcast is for you! Everyone is welcome here.
Want to ask us a question? Head on over to our blog at http://www.adventureswithernie.com! There you can submit a question, as well as take a look at our blog.
The opinions and views of Earlene, Rachel and Nicole expressed on this podcast are for entertainment purposes only. They do not reflect those of any cruise line, nor is any cruise line affiliated with the program. This podcast belongs to Earlene, Rachel and Nicole only.
Wish to advertise or be a guest on our program? Ship us an email at [email protected].
Episode Links:
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