I talked with Chandra Turner, co-founder of the After Magazines Facebook Group, about how her belief in "career karma" inspired her and friend Jillian Mackenzie to create the group, and how it "took on a life of its own" thanks to the amazing writers and editors in the community. We also run through Chandra's tours of duty in the mag biz, including stints at Cosmo, Parents and American Baby, as well as a more recent branded content gig at Scholastic.
Her latest endeavor is an expansion of the publishing industry job listing and community website she created many years ago, Ed2010, and development of her recruitment, consulting and training company Talent Fairy.
Among the tips Chandra shares in the episode:
1. Take the time to learn "brand" lingo if you want to translate your skills as a mag veteran to a brand gig 2. Tweak your bio and resumé and present yourself as some kind of specialist rather than a generalist 3. Spend more time networking than you do responding to online ads
AFTER MAGAZINES https://www.facebook.com/groups/1350197931719900/
ED2010/TALENT FAIRY http://ed2010.com/
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