The cloud has disrupted every element of the technology stack, including databases. The days of expecting one monolithic database to serve all of an organization’s needs are quickly drawing to a close, in favor of purpose-built databases and tools that address specific use cases.
“It is no longer a one-size fits all world,” Shawn Bice, Vice President, Databases at AWS, said in Episode 3 of the new Ahead of the Pack podcast series. “While the way we built applications for the past 30 years may be familiar, don’t let that turn into a blind spot that stifles future innovation.”
Bice said any concern about moving business-critical workloads to cloud-native architectures should be tempered by all of the learnings gathered from early adopters.
“You have an amazing opportunity to learn from the first movers,” he said. “How they built applications for the cloud is vastly different than traditional application development. A lot of these early adopters have carved out the lanes to follow.”
Instead of purchasing technology and expecting it to solve a variety of problems, modern environments allow IT teams to start with the use case and then pick the right technology to solve the problem.
“Always start with the business problem,” Bice said. “That might sound trivial, but when you truly understand the use case, that lets you think about the access pattern. That leads you to find the database API that’s most specialized for that access pattern.”
With this approach, he added, “you’re putting yourself in a position to innovate faster than ever before, at a lower cost, with a faster time to market, because you’re not limited by any one thing you can do.”