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My travels within the land of Thailand has led me on an even greater journey within myself. For a while now, I've been intuitively led towards a path of dematerializing my life and encouraged to walk closer towards spirit over flesh. This journey is something I am really excited to share and explore within this episode.
First up, I know the word dematerializing has probably sparked your curiosity, and to me, this word is about focusing less attention and energy of the material world in order to go within. After water fasting for multiple days and abstaining from fleshly desires such a sex, masturbation, alcohol and weed for over a month I realized I no longer have tolerance for bs.
The effects of fasting, abstinence, and purging has rippled into heightened conscious awareness, weight loss, energy increase, productivity, clarity, prosperity and so much more.
This process of giving up my desires in order to access my truth has been so uplifting and life changing, and I am grateful to share with you my findings on the subject of having less to be more. Because ultimately, this physical, material world is an illusion and can be taken away at any time, but Spirit is the eternal truth.
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