210923. (2:01am) Day 440 of #AliveWithArt
This is kind of a follow up to my previous video, (I was sick) this was taken when I felt like I was slowly recovering! :)
Continuing on with this theme of learning to manage my emotions around my art - so that it doesn't consume me and shi- here are some key points from this random late night realizations:
- if you're pursuing your passion don't make it your entire identity (as I type this on 240927, I just saw a TikTok of Gracie Abrams saying the best advice she got is to have a life outside of your career)
- watching Street Woman Fighter and feeling a different way of appreciating dance/relating to dance
- dance is becoming more of a medium to tell stories, share my truth
- spending time on my tablet (a depression purchase) different art medium
- MIDI controller, music stuff
- growing up, a lot of the work is tied to the music i like
- dance started as a new way to appreciate music
- i made AoT inspired art
- will try to make more music-related stuff!!!
- it's fun to be genuinely excited about the things i make!!
- excitement by morning being fueled by music prod, songwriting, digital art
- here's to learning new art mediums!!!!
Apparently this was also the same day I released Moves In The Making for Ako Naman Muna! :) Check out those other videos here too:
Ako Naman Muna - Angela Ken | freestyle dance film
:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVbwIv04_tc
Moves In The Making
Original video title: yay I've FINALLY let go emotionally too ;_; 210923
2021 Note: Just another late night raw reflection video thingamajig ahahah!!! Idk this whole feeling of emotional resignation has been such a HUUUGE thing recently, but I've been grateful so yeah
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