Here is our Top 6 List of the most common self-improvement goals:
# 1 – Become more fit and healthy (and in particular, lose weight). Yes, this is a nearly universal desire. Closely connected to this response is the second most commonly-voiced aspiration: to exercise more and become more fit and healthy. We’ve combined these two as our Top Goal.
#2 – Find our purpose in life. No small task. Some people surveyed were seeking to understand why they were put on Earth, while others were specifically wondering what they were “born to do.”
#3 – Acquire more skills for success. The desired skills vary markedly from person to person, but in general, people are wishing they could sharpen the skills that lead to scholastic, career, or life success.
#4 – Improve our personal relationships. Some people want to become more outgoing, in order to be better at building new relationships. Others wish to improve the relationships they already have. Some asked for the emotional maturity to handle relationships better.
#5 – Develop a deeper level of commitment and drive to challenge ourselves. We want to do more with our lives, and we feel like we should. But sometimes we get bogged down by our own inertia, afraid to step out there and take the challenge.
#6 – Develop a higher level of self-esteem and positivity. When you think about it, if you could achieve goals 1-5, number 6 would probably take care of itself! So maybe this aspiration is actually #1.