00:20 - Guest Introduction, Jo, who is related to Phil in one way02:10 - Best place to watch NFL Games, the bar or at home? Marrying dream girl/guy at the bar. Red Zone debate, Hansen v. Siciliano. We test Jo's Eagles knowledge.19:48 - Quick hit sports topics. A quick rush through some of today's headlines. HelmetGate (Tom Brady and Antonio Brown), NFL HoF beefs, and Miley Cyrus, Liam Helmsworth, and being bi in a marriage.32:38 - The Abe Lincoln 1 Hit Segment aka, things we believed as kids, but turned out not to be true. Waiting 30mins to go into the pool, believing in Santa, Killer Bee's, secret passwords.48:34 - Neighborhood bully update. CSI stake outs. The Watcher, new Netflix movie and creepy letters. Then we finish off with some honorable mentions of things people believe as kids.