Discussing the wholeness of our most personal stories and experiences, how observing art resonates so deeply in the heart, how someone else's specific, detailed story somehow feels like ours or the world's story. While these stories may have not happened to us literally, we can sense them, it's like we know them, that they've happened or will happen to us in some form, that they are happening in the world, we are honored to hear them, and we are blessed to feel them in this mysterious way that reveals our shared humanity. We get to learn the depths of others which mirror our own shadows and complexities, the chaos and curiosity of it all, the wonder in being alive, the suffering of death, temptation, failure, and darkness. Our deepest pains are not only ours, but pains the world cries for, and we may cry for the suffering of the world too. Through art, poetry, music, dance, singing, any kind of adornment, creation, expression, we become ourselves through a language of the heart with meaning that is shared and connects us in the deepest sense through the vastness of it all.