Have you ever heard of something called hypersensitivity, high sensitivity and an HSP?
It refers to a certain way how the brain works and how people experience the world, but - as there is still not a lot of knowledge about it - many HSPs probably don't even know that they have it.
Esther Bergsma - and myself as well - are HSP. Highly sensitive people. And we also didn't know it for the largest part of our lives.
In this episode, we are talking about what hypersensitivity is, what it feels like to be a highly sensitive person and why we sometimes feel like the world is really not made for people like us.
Summary of Esther's international research on HSP at work places in English:
Her English book The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Person can be ordered via Amazon and as an ebook on her own website.
In this blog post you can find more information on the highly sensitive brain: https://hoogsensitief.nl/the-highly-sensitive-brain/
Based on scientific insights, Esther Bergsma developed a model that offers tools to professionals in healthcare, education and to therapists and coaches who want to learn more about high sensitivity. Her goal: that everyone – and especially the highly sensitive person – has a better understanding and appreciation for this quality. High sensitivity offers unprecedented talents that only become apparent when we understand high sensitivity and create the optimal environment for HSP’s.
Her Dutch books can be ordered here:
Please find here the HSP test by Esther Bergsman (only in Dutch): https://hoogsensitief.nl/test/
English test by Elaine Aron:
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