In this episode of Analytic Dice we talk about our experiences running and playing the Black Sword Hack by Kobayashi. Analytic Dice is a monthly podcast in which we, Kevin and Gabe, analyze a tabletop roleplaying game system or setting. Before recording each episode we will have played the specific role-playing game or setting under discussion. While there is no perfect system or setting, people do have preferences, and this podcast will explore our actual play experiences with different mechanics, revealing the great, the good, and our opinion on the pain points inherent in each system or setting adaptation.
Check out the Black Sword Hack (original) here:
Or, check out the Ultimate Chaos Edition here:
To comment or make a recommendation, call us at (860) 595-2544 and leave a message.
You can reach Kevin on Bluesky, or on at, or by checking out his awesome BURN 2d6 RPG book at:
You can check out some of Gabe's writings at his secret blog: or, check out his latest product here: