You don’t learn from experience; you learn from reflecting on it! Join us in this last episode of the season as we recall, reflect and rethink on the last six months of creating this podcast; what we have learned, how we have changed and the yet uncovered, upcoming opportunities for next season. From the start, it was about bringing both vulnerability and a growth mindset while sharing the “anecdotes” that have helped us in our roles as parents, teachers, and coaches. As we share that growth, we hope that you too will take stock of your own journey and continue to make these ideas “stick” in whatever role you have been given. It may not always be easy but that is why we play the game! As always, enjoy, and let us know what you think.
In this episode we referenced:
Doug Lemov - Twitter: @Doug_Lemov and
Adam Grant – Twitter: @AdamMGrant and
Steven Pressfield – Twitter: @SPressfield and
We want to thank all our listeners for sharing our journey through this first season of Anecdotal Experts. As always, you can connect with us by email at: [email protected] or on Twitter: @Anec_Experts