1969 was a rough year in Ann Arbor. So the city cops and the county cops decided to play a full-contact game of football to raise money for Christmas presents for needy kids. They called it The Pig Bowl.
Music by All Star Collegians and Park St Trio.
AADL Links
1st Annual Pig Bowl Newspaper Coverage
Trophy Up For Grabs In "Pig Bowl" Fundraiser To Aid Needy Children, December 1969
Sheriff's Department Officers Count Contributions From First Annual Pig Bowl, December 1969
3 Yards, Gasp For Breath; Police Ready For 'Pig Bowl'
Pigs And Goats Poised For Superclassic
After Bowl Is Over ~ Aw Come On, 'Fuzz'
Looks Like Happy Christmas - Goats 19, Pigs 0
Trophy Awarded to Ann Arbor Police Department In First Annual Pig Bowl, December 1969
Pig Bowl "Go Blue" Banner on Washtenaw County Jail, December 1969
2nd Annual Pig Bowl Newspaper Coverage
'Goats' Ready for Bowl Game
Ann Arbor Police and Washtenaw County Sheriffs' Officer Prepare for 2nd Annual "Pig Bowl," October 1970
Santa Makes A Visit
Sheriff's 'Pigs' Snort To 7-6 Victory
Ann Arbor Police Department Goat Mascot Greets Spectators at the Second Annual Pig Bowl, November 1970
Teams Gather on the Field at the Second Annual Pig Bowl, November 1970
Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey Accepts Trophy at the Second Annual Pig Bowl, November 1970