Happy Halloween! It's a Kooky & Spooky special episode of Antiques Roadshow, so your ghosts with the mosts are here to tell dark tales of teeth jars, flaming devil lanterns, catgoyles and, of course, creepy dolls. Antiques Roadshow returns for real in January 2019, which means we do too!
Check out Jules' horror comic Haute Horreur, premiering Halloween night (that's tonight, ya goobs) at hautehorreur.com!
Topics include: cartoon devils, scary or sexy?; hair paste memorials; historical leg-closers; horse teeth too big; Wizard of Oz was a horror movie both on and off screen; horny couch; a lot of Gorey; "It fascinates me, it drives me crazy, and it scares me"; the original Odd Couple; Pushmi-Pullyu CatDog situation; Bride of Frankenstein('s Monster); R*bert the D*ll. Rate, review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts!