This week, Arthur makes a “triumphant” return, just in time to watch the Brits absolutely lose their shit over the weather.
The UK has been ravaged by not one but two major storms this week, crippling all infrastructure and causing actual death. But most importantly, there was frozen poop in the street.
Have you ever wanted to hear a couple of 20-somethings talk about tiny dolls for way longer than they should? Boy, do we have great news for you!
Meanwhile, in the USA, someone has actually gone and armed teachers. Sounds like Texas, right? Well, surprise! It’s Texas. But, weirdly, Trump seems to be doing something positive about gun control. Cue the apocalypse.
And for our little bit of cultural education, we’re basically having a competition to see who’s got more stereotypically-named animal children’s characters. It’s more interesting than it sounds.
All this, plus more, plus a lot that you didn’t ask for, this week on Anxious and Insecure. We are definitely a serious news podcast.