The No Nonsense Wellness Podcast  |  Weight Loss & Health for Real Life - without diets, emotional eating, or BS

6 Areas to Address for Deep, Transformational Health

03.18.2022 - By Tara Faulmann - Health & Nutrition Coach, Therapist, Auto Immune Overcomer, Faith ForwardPlay

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And why Deep Health is better than Dieting


When we go in search of a diet, plan, program, or podcast it's usually because we want to achieve a specific goal: lose 10 lbs for the wedding, run a marathon, slim down for the summer, etc.  The diet market knows this and they deliver! You'll find hundreds of plans that promise to give you the results you want, and generally they work. This is where most of us have been our whole lives - jumping from one plan to the next, one short term goal to the next.  But I want to challenge you to go DEEPER with me, to think beyond the short term goal.  What happens AFTER you lose the 10 lbs, or "slim down" for summer, or finish that marathon? How do the things you did to accomplish that goal fit into your overall lifestyle, health, or long term goals? Can you continue to do those things or are they unsustainable or unrealistic? And did you actually get healthier in that process?


My mission here is different than most in this space - I'm on a mission for deep, transformational health, not just a short term result.  I know from experience, both in my own life and others, that to truly transform your health you have to address MORE than just what you're eating or how much you're working out.  In this podcast and in my programs we address the 6 areas of DEEP Health for results that last a lifetime:


1. Physical Health - how your body is functioning

2. Mental Health - your thoughts, emotions, self-talk, etc.

3. Spiritual Health - your connection to a deeper meaning, purpose, and ultimately joy

4. Relational Health - your relationships to those around you and the world at large

5. Environmental Health - where you live and what you have access to

6. Occupational & Financial Health - how you handle these 2 major sources of stress


The diets and plans you've been on have likely only addressed the first area - physical health. When the results don't last we get down on ourselves and frustrated, we feel like failures, but we've missed the lesson: we tried to change EVERYTHING by only changing ONE thing! If we want lasting, deep, transformational health we need to address the WHOLE you in the context of your WHOLE life!


This is why I created the Healthy Mind/Healthy Body Program.  If you think you're ready for REAL change, click the link to check it out. Doors are opening soon so get on the list!





PS. If anything in this episode resonated with you, then share the LOVE! Post a screenshot of this episode in your stories and tag me @tarafaulmann! And join the conversation in our FREE No Nonsense Wellness Community!


Show Notes & Full Transcript:


Links mentioned in the show:

Episode 35 - A Little Help from My Friends

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Program


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