Cannabis Lounge meeting, Stay Fuzzy With Arisha Magic Live Show 4:20pm PT Facebook, every Thursday.
New Article published: Business Innovators Magazine by Carol Santella
Link Published in Business Innovators Magazine :
Cannabis study shows it helps prevent Alzheimerz Disease
Opioid addiction and pain killers
Colombia's bringing fear to Marco Rubio (FL) and Chuck Grassley (IA).
Illinois - lack of diversity and still not able to get improved.
Trump- on a survey, he indicated that people who sell illegal drugs should receive the death penalty.
Tennessee republican law makers are still being racist.
UK, police are requesting stricter cannabis penalties - as we can see, Brittney Griner still locked up
Jamaica setting selves up for medicinal marijuana.
Washington D.C. oppose a crackdown on unregulated gifting marijuana businesses.
NY created a cannabis cultivation guide.
Amazon unfairly not allowing bongs and other items for sale.
NY received 903 licenses for those impacted and wanting a license.
Oregon joined California for the transfer of cannabis products.
Dub Funk Music Nation, our independent music label has been constantly pushing out songs. We have 100 commercially available now.
Huge thank you to Radio Wigwam for featuring us
Be on the lookout by visiting:
Song to end: Rize Up Deja Vu by Manic Sound Expulsion.