Learning English grammar and vocabulary is excellent fun! However, to master the language, you must use it genuinely to discuss various topics and learn new things in English. That means discussing issues and themes you like and those you do not.
I will be the first to tell you perfection is impossible because no one and nothing is perfect. With that said, it is human nature to strive for perfection. Maintain your discipline and learn something new every day.
This is a short introduction to the English conversation lesson, Effort Begins with an E. I'm sure you'll find it engaging and insightful.
You can access the webpage for the lesson Effort Begins with an E here: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/LessonEffortBeginsWithAnE
At ArtisanEnglish.jp, we emphasize enabling students to improve the sophistication of their English through meaningful communication while receiving 100% error correction and detailed after-lesson written feedback.
If you'd like to try a FREE TRIAL LESSON, please get in touch with me, David, at https://www.artisanenglish.jp/contact/
If you are already an ArtisanEnglish.jp student, you can book or preview all the lesson materials.
Here are some other discussion topics related to learning & work you may find interesting:
1) Should Higher Ed be Free
Website: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/LessonShouldHigherEdBeFree
Website: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/LessonGrowthMindset
Spotify: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/PodcastGrowthMindset
YouTube: https://youtu.be/vL4jgoRYCAM
Website: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/LessonCareerPivot
Spotify: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/PodcastCareerPivot
YouTube: https://youtu.be/4KT-agyYO28
4) Men in Pink-collar Jobs
Website: https://links.artisanenglish.jp/LessonMenInPinkCollarJobs
As always, maintain your discipline and learn something new every day.
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