The Arts Union Science podcast returns for its second episode in Volume 4: The Discovery Based Research Volume. This week, the film to be discovered is one “The Last Unicorn”, an animated fantasy film from the 1980’s by the prolific and divisive Rankin and Bass productions. Join our corresponding author (Tyler D. R. Vance) and this week’s co-first authors (Gary F. A. Johnston and Raeanne L. Johnston) as they try to metaphorically dissect the last unicorn with all its whimsy, grandeur, and straight up depressing adult messages intact. Along the way, they’ll invent (but fail to define) the term “Schmendricked”, get caught up on the intricacies of low budget animation, and piss off fans of Jeff Bridges, Tim Burton and the sanctity of scientific controls – all within an hour-and-a-half, no less.
If you’d like to leave a review of our findings, feel free to email us at [email protected]. You can tell us if you accept our findings, accept them with revisions, or outright reject them.
Join us for more episodes of the Arts Union Science Volume 4, releasing every two weeks on Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, and more.