This show is brought to you by “Working with Parents” Central Ohio’s leading parenting experts and coaches - where we create a safe place for parents to seek help and support on topics such as parenting, communication, relationships, and Emotional Intelligence.
Our guest today is Gaynor Lawton with Believe Australia she is a Belief Strategist. She is fascinated by the realization that if our beliefs and desires are not aligned, it's the belief that is stronger! Often our beliefs are 'hidden' in our subconscious mind and we are oblivious to them. Through conversation and some specific questions, you're able to discover what you REALLY believe about yourself, your life, and the world you live in.
Once you are aware of your beliefs - which are often exposed in throwaway lines, or in humor or sarcasm - you are able to CHOOSE what to do next. the work I do offers ways of 'removing' a belief from the subconscious mind, leaving you free to make a new decision.
You can find Gaynor Lawton here. [email protected]
2-hour belief strategy session (on Zoom) to discover some of your beliefs and show you how to 'remove' them for US$75 (normally $180)
12 session program (on Zoom) for US$979 (normally $1631) each session is 90-120mins
Details of available programs at
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