COVID has opened a door that many of us would rather keep closed - a peek into our own mindset. What we do, what we want to do, and what we believe about our capabilities. Some of us were ready, most got caught off guard. We didn't realize what we believed, we hadn't taken the time.
As an addict myself, I am reminded of a similarity. An addict engages in behavior that they don't want to engage in but they do so anyway. They need that relief, that fix, that dose of numbing from reality. I have come to realize that so many of us had been doing just that: engaging in behaviors and lifestyles that we didn't want and wished to change, but we just kept coming back for that fix. That, to me, sounds like addictive behavior.
Quarantine has blown the hinges off of that and we are all left standing, looking upon the life we didn't want to lead. And now we have some questions...