In this episode, we reboot our understanding of the Yama & NIyama, and how they provide a giant tree of protection for our spiritual lives. We will take a look at the classical 5 yama and 5 niyama presented by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, but also additional ones that are in the ancient text of the Yoga Yagñavalkya. In the beginning, the yama and niyama may seem like a list of dos and don'ts, but actually they provide a beautiful roadmap of the path to liberation, and how to right the course if we have gone asunder. The beauty of the yama and niyama is that as we deepen in our understanding, their subtly opens to us naturally, rather than something we try or force ourselves to do. They are the beginning of the practice, and strengthen as a by-product of our practice as well.
We will take a look at the following Yama: 1) Ahimsa - Non-harming 2) Satya - Truthfulness 3) Asteya - Non-stealing 4) Brahmacharya - Moderation of the senses 5) Aparigraha - Non-possessiveness 6) Dayā -Compassion 7) Ārajava - Sincerity/Non-hypocrisy 8) Kṣamā - Forgiveness 8) Dhṛitiḥ - Fortitude and, 9) Mitāhāra - Measured Diet
And the following Niyama: 1) Saucha - Cleanliness [in the Yoga Yagñavalkya, Saucha is part of the Yama; however, Patanjali places saucha in the category of niyama and I have chosen to remain faithful to Patanjali's classification] 2) Santosha - Contentment 3) Tapas - Fire of Discipline 4) Svadhyāya - Self-study thru the Scriptures 5) Iśvara Praṇidhāna - Trustful Surrender 6) Āstikya - Faith in the Dharma 7) Dāna - Generosity 8) Mati - Self-respect 9) Hrī - Humility 10) Japa - Repetition of Mantra, and 11) Vrata - Taking of Sacred Vows