The truth centers your compass - it is hard to lead people without truth, it is dangerous to make decisions based solely on feelings, thoughts, outside information. start with a value system and build your life on that.
the truth is your integrity - people may not like you, they may not like your decision making, they may not like your leadership, but always be willing to give people the truth. If i care about you, the mission, the church, the organization i’m leading, i don’t always give you what you want to hear but I give you the truth
the truth is power - rarely do I lead people out of my feelings but out of my power. And my power lies in my ability to be truthful. When I’m critical, when I’m loving, my power is in my words and those words are rooted in giving my team my people my family the truth.
the truth is liberating - the truth rarely carries weight. A lie you have to live with until it’s dead. then you wonder how long do you have to keep it up, what happens when the truth is found out, etc.
the truth has no expiration date - long after you have stopped leading people moved on, gotten fired, people will respect you - even love you because you gave them the truth. how awful would your family be if you only fed them ice cream and no meat to break down?