About this Episode:
There is a lot of advice about setting goals, objectives, or benchmarks to move forward in life. There is much less talk about what to do when things don't go as planned, or when it takes longer than you initially thought to achieve your dream. The truth is, we spend a lot of time on the road to our dream, and many fall off before getting to there. The key lies in how you relate to the journey while you're on it. This episode provides tips on how to survive and thrive in the process of doing work that is an accurate reflection of who you are...a.k.a. authentic.
About the Podcast:
Every person has something beautiful and unique to contribute to this world through their work. When it's not allowed to show up, they miss out and the world misses out. The Authentic Work podcast exists to give you permission to be you, and teaches you the skills and strategies necessary to align the inner you with the outer you so that you feel empowered to add your one-of-a-kind signature to your work and life.
About Me:
As a psychologist, I loved helping people. However, I wanted to do more to enrich and enable the everyday experience. My understanding of people and process, and experience supporting teams, made becoming a Teaming Strategist a natural fit. As a Teaming Strategist I help courageous people build skills to transform their teams so that they can experience enjoyment from work. What brings me joy is when others experience joy from doing what they were born to do.
Website: https://www.teamingstrategy.com/
Instagram: @teamingstrategist