This teaching is from Matthew 26:26-39 and Exodus 6:6-7
Our story continues today with the Lord’s Supper.
Jesus is going to make it clear that He is the Passover Lamb who lays down His life for all people of all time.
Pastor overviews the Passover meal: why it was done, what the purpose was and shows us how Jesus changed the script that had always been spoken during this meal since the time of Moses.
Taking the bread Jesus says, “Take eat; this is My body.” Then after that He took the cup saying, “Drink from it, all of you, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
Pastor shares about the 4 cups of wine during the Passover meal referencing the four verbs in Exodus 6:6-7. Four verbs, four cups of wine: 1. Cup 1 - I will BRING you out 2. Cup 2 - I will FREE you 3. Cup 3 - I will REDEEM you 4. Cup 4 - I will take you as My people
According to what is said in the gospels it appears Jesus spoke the words “drink this cup…” with the 3td cup - the Cup of Redemption. Jesus talks about this cup as “my blood of covenant given for you and for many.” This cup not only reminds us of God’s great deliverance of His people from bondage in Egypt, but it is God’s new covenant of deliverance from the bondage of sin for all people.
The disciples could see something unique was happening. Clearly Jesus is speaking of Himself as the redemption. In the days to come the disciples would look back on this Supper, Jesus’ Last Supper, and they would see it more clearly.
In the next verse, as Jesus finishes this 3rd cup, taking what is written here in Matthew 26:29 and in the other gospels it appears Jesus is saying He will not drink the 4th cup until the day we are all together in His Father’s kingdom (meaning when everything is fulfilled) when he said, “ I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
Jesus will take this fourth cup, the Cup that will be celebrated at the “Marriage Feast of the Lamb” on His return. “When I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom,” this is the assurance of His return and a celebration that will never end.
Then Jesus and His disciples head to the Mount of Olives to the Garden of Gethsemane. He tells them that He is overwhelmed to the point of death. Jesus is truly God in human flesh - a real human being going through agony and sorrow at what He knows is to come.
He asks the disciples to stay with him and keep watch or in other words, “Be Awake!” What does it mean to “be awake?” It means to recognize the times, to be ready and prepared, to be one with our Lord Jesus, one with our Heavenly Father and one with the Holy Spirit. Be Awake!
Jesus asks that “this cup to be taken from me, yet not as I will but as you will.” Jesus - fully divine but also fully human speaks to His father and says could we go with another plan? But concludes His request with not my will but your will. This is how we too should pray - praying in God’s will.
We know things that God desires and we can pray in His will without hesitation: For awakening in our country For people to come back to the Lord For people to know the Lord For those going through difficult days And holding one another up in prayer
But there are some times when we don’t know what God desires because His ways are far beyond our ways and even Jesus prayed not my will but your will to the Father.
“Thy will be done,” even in the face of overwhelming agony of what was ahead He stilled prayed “Your will, Father” and we are called to pray the same way.
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