In this installment of today’s podcast, Mary chats with retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis about his book, “Preparing for World War III”. Robert graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, the Naval Postgraduate School, the Command & General Staff College, the Defense Language School and the Army War College’s strategy course. He is an Airborne-Ranger infantry officer with service in four infantry divisions on three continents. So many accomplishments, far too numerous to list here, but he is an experienced and internationally known expert on national security and foreign affairs. In addition, Colonel Maginnis has decades of media experience as a columnist, a Fox News military analyst and as an on-air commentator for multiple radio programs and networks to include Salem Radio Network. Today’s subject might not be something we like to think about, but in our chaotic world, and when measured against the sure word of Bible prophecy, we know that wars and rumours of war are part of the package. In the book, he outlines 6 sections that help us add to our knowledge about such a world-realigning event. Is the world ripe for war? What have we learned from previous wars? What does the 21st century battlefield look like, in terms of technology and AI? What might some of the flashpoints be, and can it be deterred? Finally, how to prepare our local communities and what our role as Christians should be, our priorities. A fascinating hour with an experienced geopolitical icon.