Oscar fever, baby! American has it, Collin has it, and so film critic Steve Prokopy has it bad! The 89th Academy Awards is going down this Sunday, February 26th, is beautiful Los Angeles, California and so Collin decided to sit down with an actual film critic and talk about why La La Land kind of sucks and doesn't deserve anything and why, quite frankly, Tango and Cash should win best picture every year. Stever writes for the website Ain't It Cool News, amongst other things, and is a card-carrying member of the Chicago Film Critics Association and so he knows his stuff! They break down all the major categories, and several of the bullshit ones, and talk all about who's gonna win, who should have won, and who got overlooked! Snubs, flubs, squbs, dubs! Other words! Follow us on twitter - @awkwardpodcast, like us on Facebook - @awkwardmomentspod, and check out Collin's stand up dates at www.collinabullock.com. Collin likes you, and wants to be your friend!