Spring has sprung and the buds are budding! Yes, we are talking about cannabis on 4/20 and we absolutely planned it that way. It's okay to roll your eyes at us (or roll a joint)! We are celebrating the big day with a discussion on where cannabis has been, courtesy of Grace, and where it might grow in the future, with predictions from Alida. Alida is still on her N/A/A ("non-alcoholic April") kick, so we are featuring Chicago's Big Drop Brewing and cracking an N/A Galactic Extra Dark. Happy April 20th friends, bring on the sun! Cheers!
Notable Notes
Big Drop Brewing - Chicago, IL
Galactic Extra Dark
Big Drop launch press release
Non-alcoholic beer basics
Hop water/soda
Cannabis legality by state - USA map
History of medical cannabis
History of cannabis wiki
The Future of Cannabis in the US - CNN
The Future of Weed - Inside Hook