We talk a lot on Baggage Check about warning signs, problems, risky behaviors, and conflicts within relationships-- along with things that just make you feel a little bit off.
But what about the pillars of a good relationship?
Today we're celebrating, acknowledging, and learning about all the positive factors that can help build a healthy partnership. Whether you never really had a model of it growing up and you're sort of lost of how to begin, whether you've got a great relationship that you're wondering if you could make a little greater, or whether you're just curious to hear more positive aspects of a partnership rather than worrisome ones, you'll want to listen to today's Baggage check.
Follow Baggage Check on Instagram @baggagecheckpodcast and get sneak peeks of upcoming episodes, give your take on guests and show topics, gawk at the very good boy Buster the Dog, and send us your questions!
Here's more on Dr. Andrea Bonior and her book Detox Your Thoughts.
Here's more on this podcast, which somehow you already found (thank you!)
Credits: Beautiful cover art by Danielle Merity, exquisitely lounge-y original music by Jordan Cooper