In this episode, Diane talks with Kathleen Audet about style, confidence and purpose. Learn what it means to be seen for who you are and not just for your outfit or label. Hear Kathleen’s unique perspective on style, starting with your mindset first, working from the inside and out. Kathleen provides tips on how to shop for essentials and make you forget the statement "I have nothing to wear," forever.
Kathleen Audet, Your Authentic Image is a Personal Stylist and Image Consultant that has virtually worked with people all around the world to find their authentic image in essentializing their wardrobe. She has been in the fashion and image industry for 20+ years. On this episode, Kathleen talks about how to be authentic, confident and empowered when it comes to our own personal style.
What you will learn:
- How Kathleen’s stroke changed the way she looked at clothes.
- How to dress from the inside out.
- How to dress according to your personality.
- Be seen for who you are and not just for the outfit or the label.
- Have confidence in whatever you wear.
- Ways to essentialize your wardrobe.
- Get past the stigma in the workplace.
- Use your clothes as a resource and not a liability.
- How your clothes send non-verbal messages.
- Accept your body for what it is and other barriers.
- Advice for men.
"What’s going on the outside is reflected on the inside."
"Everything starts with the thought process."
"I’m not coming to you for something more than who I am."
"Your wardrobe is a place that you create who you are."
"Your clothes have a non-verbal communication to the world."
"We remember people by color first."
"Your image is something people are going to see whether you want them to or not."
"The first impression in the morning is not on other people, it’s on us."
"Feel your way into your closet, not just think your way.
Contact Kathleen
Kathleen Audet, Your Authentic Image
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