Bringing in season 2 with returning guest, Beate Chelette.
We discuss a plethora of topics around women giving themselves permission to ask for help and stop playing superwoman.
Beate's book the 'Women's Code' belongs on every woman's shelf in Zak's opinion, as she calls it a playbook for all women, when it comes to prioritizing what's important, and what needs attention in that moment.
Beate takes us down the path of the Ego Rhythm and the nine areas most women try to focus on at once which can be crazy making to one's mind.
Zak shares with Beate how she utilized the ego rhythm and made it hers in order to achieve things that needed attention right away.
It's one thing to take someone's advice, it's another to personalize it and make it work for you.
This conversation is full of information and strategies to create an abundant life in your personal, professional/career, and social interactions.
Beate speaks to us about the 'Women's Code' and how all women should adopt it to create strong bonds and support for the sisterhood, just like the men do in their brotherhood.
Take a listen and share with all women.
It's time we give each other permission to let down our guard and say it's okay, you got this.
About the Host, Zak Lioutas
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About the Guest, Beate Chelette
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