We are honored to welcome Nanouka Katish Woods to BeGrowthDriven!
mompreneur [mom-preh-noor]
Definition: a mom who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.
Balancing work with family life successfully is a very real challenge for moms and dads alike.
Even with new found options available to parents to choose from, aside from the traditional 9-5 job, more people are changing the way they think about work once they become a parent: Self employment. Mom or Parent-led enterprises has increased 114% in the last 20 years.
Being a mompreneur is one of the most inspiring and resourceful titles out there.
Today we are meeting with Nanouka (na-nook-a) Katish Woods, CEO and Founder of Impact Empire Inc.
Nanouka is a mom of 3, wife of 20 years, and passionate about helping people increase their income to create choices and freedom for their family. Nanouka has a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership, is trained and Certified by Grant Cardone and is a leader collaboratively with one of the largest Brand Ambassador Organizations in the country. As a Preferred Real Estate Investor in Cardone Capital, Nanouka is passionate about creating cash flowing assets and helping people create financial freedom. With Impact Empire Academy and and Impact Empire Events she focuses on spreading financial literacy to help people make significant changes to build their legacy and make a massive Impact.
Watch Nanouka's episode on YouTube
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