Celluloid is the plastic material from which motion pictures were historically made. With the omni-presence of digital capture and projection we may forget that this industry which exploded onto our culture at the beginning of the 20th Century was almost entirely based on the exposure and subsequent distribution of celluloid.
The British band, The Kinks, epic song "Celluloid Heroes", captured so much of the desire to 'be Hollywood "I wish my life was anon-stop Hollywood movie show...".
More importantly they draw on an earlier insight from Shakespeare - "All the world is a stage and we are but players." But the Kinks drive it even deeper when it comes to aspirations to 'make it in Hollywood.' If you don't come with understanding, there can be a very steep price to pay.
Our podcast is dedicated to helping you maintain your sanity and integrity- if you aspire to be involved in entertainment. the most successful from the entertainment industry aren't simply 'famous'. they have successful REAL lives. They do not sacrifice normalcy and humanity in the chasing of glitter and fame.
The joy and fulfillment of this industry comes through collaboration and successful story-telling. It reaches something deep within us as human beings. If you learn THAT joy first, you will be successful wherever you go in your desire to be in entertainment.