“Let us return, brethren, to ourselves...For we cannot be reconciled with God and assimilated to Him unless we first return, or rather, enter into ourselves... For the miracle consists in tearing ourselves away from the distraction and vain concerns of the world and in this way relentlessly seizing hold of the kingdom of heaven within us.” St Nikiphoros the Monk, On Watchfulness and the Guarding of the Heart, Philokalia vol. 4)
What this Episode is About:
A main goal of the Christian life is to keep our attention focused on Christ. We’re called to drink deeply of the Church’s wisdom so we can master our attention and see Christ at work in all things. But the internet is designed to capture that attention and focus it on things that are superficial at best or toxic at worst.
Three Questions as You Watch:
1. What are the limits you’re placing on your social media use?
2. Is your life centered in real communities or artificial internet communities?
3. How does the stuff you’re watching or reading or listening to on the internet help you keep your attention on Christ?