Are you what you think you are? We think we are someone, which is defined by factors like environment, other people, past experiences. Which in turn influence our behavior towards everything even our own capabilities.
We think we are someone, which is defined by factors like environment, other people, past experiences. Which in turn influence our behavior towards everything even our own capabilities. We are so engrossed in life, things are not easy ever. Sometimes, you are confident you can do it and other times you think, that's something you better not try. We are all born with unique sets of skills. You might know or you might not but you are talented and skilled. And if you think you are not, what have to thought of doing about it.
Confident are people who think they can do and take the challenges of life as an opportunity to master it. You can master your life challenges either by using the skills you have or by acquiring the required sets of skills. There is no moving back and contemplating. Most of the decisions you have taken in your thinking of the outcomes you imagined to be the results. But have you ever given a thought on how your thoughts are fragments of your experience? We all scale ourselves, I guess even you do that as well. And how we do that changes everything!The gap between success and you is the thought of how you perceive yourself.
#StaySafe #Loveyourself