Valentine's Day Marketing Plan 2019
Do what you did last year if the results were positive. Just rinse and repeat, keep it simple.
If you're just starting out or seeking some sturdier advice, put together something simple, share about it on social media, and get on with your day.
For right now, you truly only have to focus on what I’m going to offer you today. It's not the high hopes of one holiday that will make your business a successful and thriving spa.
Focus On Getting More Clients Right Now
In order to get more clients, you need to be part of a conversation. You need to be focused on building relationships.
Relationships that only go one-way when you do a big holiday push or seasonal promotion, that’s not really a relationship, that’s traditional sales. If you want to truly grow your business then let's commit to authentic marketing.
You Have an Amazing Opportunity connect with so many people because of the Internet - that includes through your website, your email list, and on social media. The 3 of these are what I talk about in Episode 63.
When you're done listening, please comment below to tell me what you're going to do first - the brainstorm of topics, the event, the PDF - which one will you commit to right now?
Tell us below, what are you going to do TODAY, my friend?
PS..If you don't have some of the structure in place for your website, email list, blog, etc. Start with these companies. They're my affiliate links but they are TRIED AND TRUE - I've tested ALL the options out there and personally, I find these to be the best of the best.
Remember, if you aren't set up for these simple structures, you need to be.
I offer free breakthrough calls for new clients and if getting your basic online structure in place will help you the most on that call, let's do it.
Everything I teach you will be assuming you have this all set up so we can focus on the GOOD STUFF!
ConvertKit (Email Service Provider)
Kajabi (Website, Blog, and so much more)
Free Breakthrough Call (1st Time Clients)