What do you do when you feel you can’t go on? When you feel you have too much stress, or when your body and mind just says: "hello!
I am tired, I need a break!”
Have you ever wondered, how would your business, or your life would feel or be like, if you took a break every time you needed one?
For hustlers and solopreneurs, this is a very hard task sometimes!
The question is: do you keep going because you have a deadline, do you stop even if you stay behind, do you take a break or do you give up? Really is up to you, whatever fits your needs at the time.
On this episode, I give you 5 suggestions on what to do when you feel like you need a break, so that you can come back stronger, more effective and more productive.
I have realized that to create a balance in my life, personally and professionally I have to explore new ways to relax and take a break. I celebrate taking it slow, I have learned to normalize rest, and not just save it for when I am sick.
I hope this episode has inspired you to realize the same thing.
Normalizing relaxation should be a must. Listen to your mind and body, They know what you need.
Remember I have a new podcast episode out every Friday, so make sure you look forward to it weekly. You can binge listen or listen one at a time, but make sure you listen.
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